Our People Stories
The most recent stories from After Brexit Support community
Do You Have A Story To Tell? We've been honored to work with thousands of people over the years who've shared their most intimate, painful and life changing stories with us. Their stories have touched many lives and your story can too. If you have a personal story to tell, we are here 24/h to help.
We've created and designed online life story writing programs to keep you motivated and focused as you write your story.
Emial us today!

Thank You
Hello Afterbrexitsupport,
There's something in the air.
The mood in Britain is changing. I am so pleased that you established After Brexit Support. Thank you for helping me with my passport.
God bless you.

Peace Revolution
Good morning,
Racist behaviour often results in racial discrimination, with its obvious negative consequences, ranging from simple neglect, or the avoidance of those believed to be different and inferior, to more explicit forms of harassment, or exploitation.
Thank you so much for your help and support.

Many thanks for helping me and my kids.
After 3 months I can finally see my kids.
Thank you.
Our family is finally together, and my heart is not bleeding anymore.

Pomyślmy o sobie, obudźmy się
WoW! Usłyszałem od moich znajomych, że stworzyliście fundację dla nas Polaków. Dziś byłem na Waszej stronie internetowej i jestem zaskoczony. I tu znów WoW! Jestem młodym starzem ale nie wiekiem emigrantem, mieszkam tu ponad rok. Nie jestem młodym człowiekiem, moja rodzina jest tutaj od dawna i ja do nich dołączyłem. W Polsce uważałem że mamy jeden problem. Że Polacy nie potrafią się zjednoczyć. Ale niestety tutaj widzę że jest to samo.